Hello Agien
I wanted to post this update sevral months ago but never did for Some reason
On that date in the name, I posted a video called ticktock mdj. in the video i talk about how I will be leaving soon (with of corse never happened) my intentions were obvious to the idiot mass that I was going to be leaving vary soon...
Thats what i wanted them to think...
The name of the video suggests who the video was for and why I posted it
At the time I was talking to someone named mydarkjournal (MDJ) and I wanted to see his reaction... I got exactly what i wanted
A single comment was posted on the video from the exact person I needed.
My dark journal. And in the comment it said: stay. It was perfect
That one single word is exactly what I needed to get more information from him
That one comment told me that he hates to lose just like a child and that he may panic when given the moment and so much more! It also tells me regularly checks the status of his so called "chosen" witch is all gravely important to me.
How can i use this information you might say? Well I have one talent Some might call it a sick habit. Some might Call it a blessing. And I personally know some call it the devils way for destroying the world
I call it Hipnosis... Yes hipnosis And for my type of hipnosis to work i must know how someone thinks. To me knowing those small things others take for granit I use them like next number for the combination, so I can unlock people minds And i use one new one that focases on peoples reactions. Tap tap tap tap a beat of four
I use those to see how people react Basically when you hear me taping a beat of four thats your sign to run. thats how I can use it on people miles away and still stay in control
Reaction and every bit too such as what their reaction is when they use it how they chose to react its all important to me
I use the scraps of the mind to dig the deepest you could say I suppose