my dakrend sun

my dakrend sun

Monday, September 19, 2011

hello again server

but then again thats not your real alise is it?

no no no

you have many names but only one tells them who you truely are only one tells them the life they will soon have ONLY ONE strikes the fear right back into thier soals

but for now youll just have to get all your little tricks back out on to the playing feild because im not leaveing anytime soon for i am the darkend sun that will never die out

you traped me once in that god forsaken realm and then you went for zero but your proxies failed so now you try to kill me to go after elegant decay. you molded and twisted her mind that day in her cage thats what you were doing clearing her mind of any thoughts of server being sombody else

well kaelynn have you ever looked past his mask? just to take a peek at his face?


cant be bothered i soppose

i am currently staying with an old friend named DEATHS OBLIVION he is not on my side but hes not on the proxies side or the chosens side is alone toying with us all, just on the sidelines watching waiting for the war, he told me i whould hae a big part in an upcoming war but he wouldint tell me what or why

ughh i just wonder witch side i will chose the proxies or the chosen idk my friends are all with the proxies (ugh the very thing i tried to stop them from be comeing) and yet server is telling them its exactly what i wanted them to do... fuck you server you dumb fuck you huanted us all through our chiledhood but you just cant stop at that can you? uuuuuuuurrrrrrr what do you want from me? are you trying to mold us into something, so i wont be afraid to kill them if i chose the chosen...

fuck you im going back to bed still recovering from sliceing my throught in an attempt at suicide

i hope your all thrilled at what your all becomeing... guess even i couldint stop you... its like you want this


  1. It doesn't matter anymore. What was bound to happen, happened.

    And tricks? I don't think so. If you think I was the one that supposedly 'trapped you in another realm,' think again. I have no other goal than to help "Kay". Do you think she wanted to run for the rest of her life? She didn't, and that's why she's with me now. I'm sorry that you think I took her in to anger you, no. I took her in because, like the many people that are being watched, she wanted it to end. She doesn't exactly like where she is now, but I know that it's much better from where she was before...

    But for me "trying to kill Zero?" I'll have to disagree with that. I originally tried to help her in the beginning, but it seems that she's realized all by herself. I really don't know what makes you think these things, Dark. Perhaps I was right - maybe you're still trying to manipulate the minds of your friends.

    The only thing I have under my mask is a face, like everyone else. What are you trying to imply?

    I don't like the fact that you think I'm behind everything that has happened to you. If you need someone to blame, blame yourself. You took the actions that led to where you are now.


  2. You know as well has I do that this is something that does not just go away you brought her into the proxies trust me if i were trying to bring her into the proxies I would have months ago you say I'm simply stalling her progress to freedom PEH your only twisting words you are doing THE EXACT SAME THINGS you said I was going to do to her you know that this ALL ends in a brutal war of proxies VS chosen go back to school you tool

    I'm not the idiot here I only stalled because I thought you could see you own mistakes before you or her did to see how much of this you had actually planned out your nothing in this game except that's not true your also everything you know what I'm talking about so now try explaining to her exactly WHY I wouldn't of taken her to the proxies months ago and why you ARE doing the very thing you said I would do i mean Jesus I know your not that dumb Kay for gods sake you can almost see into the future o and when was the last time you saw mr grey I suspect sometime before mr server showed up maybe

    I know you better then him Kay your smart brave and would never fall for what this idiot is doing so tell me WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING

  3. And one more thing Kay

    While he was in your backyard scaring the shit out of you and Maybe scarring you for life

    I was here trying to help you the best I could
    Wat does he have on me that he could possible use against that?

    I died for you and zero

    But I guess that wasn't enough to stop you from becomeing proxies...
