my dakrend sun

my dakrend sun

Monday, October 31, 2011

finally zero replied -_-

she finally talked to me today i asked her what was going on and she wouldint fucking tell me -_-

she also found out i was lieing to her about somthing (damn i need to update this thing more often so much shit has been going on) you know... what the hell ill just give a brief update of what has happend

 ok last month i told my freind zero a  lie, i told her i was going to leave and try to find somthing called ben (i only pretended to not know what it was i know all about the video game and the kid drowning and all the fucked up tim burten shit -_-) i told her this lie so she would leave the proxies (dont ask it acctually worked but now shes a a proxy again) i told her this lie because i was afriad she would reach a rank were she would not be able to leave so i had to save her before it happend meanwhile my friend kaelynn (or the seeker of truth) was going away to kill some strange creatures that had been following her (i wont go into detail ok, no fucking way) she sucsefully killed one but the other is still alive (ive seen it and i sure as hell want to unsee it) the same creture followed me home and murdered one of my friends who was in a helicopter at the time i saw a yellow light come from it and then it turned red i then heard loud screaming coming from it as it then began to plumit to the ground and burst into flames halfway down (idk how the dude is fucking scary and overall weird) i was rescued by a fellow proxy(who i dont know to this day) then zero left unexpectedly we were all tariffied for her life she then returned telling us random crazy things saying hes coming for me then somthing about excaping and a cage the slender man killing her (even though shes was a proxy at the time) she continued on for about half an hour then left she returned the next day with threats of suicide (even though she messed up sevreal times and i figured out she was lieing, in fact i kinda knew from the start she messed up by saying we might meet again i mean its fucking death so im sure as hell am going to see her again XD so i knew it was a lie) then she left then kaelynn left to kill the creature with her friend (and my new friend  i think) the server, so i was left all alone i was sent off to the hosipital for five damn days for experements (-_- asshole proxies) when i return i see that kealynns back but right before she left i kinda did somthing im not entirely proud of and now im wondering wether or not to tell her and if so how im going to tell her i know i should to keep my peace of mind (lets just say i do everything for a reason they dont EVEN know how much i mean that) but this was a selfish act and so im telling her. so now here we are...

... ahh feels good to get all that shit off my chest X3

all in all its been ONE HELL OF A MONTH


zero i know your still alive in fact ive almost known from the first message you sent us X3

i have been testing you quite alot in the time that you sent the first message  (around 30-40 tests idk) i wouldint have worked at this so much if it wernt for the last line in the last message you sent on the chat so im certain you are still alive and in F----------, idk why your trying to fake your death or why you gave your pc to tricky who knows maybe you want to show her a secret message, who knows all that matters is that your alive now and im worried  as to what your getting yourslef into just go to the chat and explian as to why your doing this ok? please i want to help you, you were begging for help right before you left and i wanted to help you but you wouldint tell us what was happing( btw the other reason as to why i wasint helping you right away is because i had a bit of a hunch as to why you were doing this.) so come on zero i know your still alive i told kaelynn you were still alive we know it now come and just talk to us   

Saturday, October 29, 2011


hello everyone i know i broke my promise and left for a few weeks but now i have a major problem somthing i was told to fix but i messed up and failed now my friend zero is gone...

im a fucking moron

she was begging for help and i... i didint listion to her... i asked why she needed help but she wouldint tell me... why wouldint she tell me?

i have screwed up royally and now because of my lack of thinking i failed and lost a chosen...


now becuase of this... DAMNED ARK PIECE I... I FUCKED UP

when she fianlly siad goodbye i didint want to belive it... so i didint act when i should have... the moment she begged for help i should have jumped right out of my chiar and devoted every fucking recorce i had into finding her... but i didint... i just told myslef the logical answer and... and i fucked up and lost her... so while she was staring down the barrel of a loaded gun i sat back and did nothing... I FUCKED UP... ALL BECAUSE OF FUCKING LOGIC!!! THIS DAMN ARKSTONE HAS CURRUPTED ME TO ONLY THINK LOGICLY AND NOW IT COSTED ME MY FRIEND...



its been to long... to fucking long i have had this arkstone... its shown me the greatest light imaginable and shown me the deepest dark depths and the deeper i went... the more i came to relise,,,, im not even human anymore...

zero is gone and i can only blame myslef for not fucking acting when i should have

why didint i just get rid of reason and thought of saveing zero...

too late now...

Sunday, October 9, 2011

its been a while sense i posted but i happy to say im back to normal

hello everybody i have not posted in a while i was off on a long proxy mission to regain my sanity theburningark was acctually the one who brought me back (belive it or not) but at the cost of his own sanity... the sanity i gave him...

thats the only known cure for a hollowed proxy... but your not allowed to know what that is...

he did leave me a present though, he left me the arkstone of truth
(it forces its victems to only tell the master of the arkstone the compleate truth but it causes sevear dammage to their brian cells and and you tend not to belive anybody no matter what the subject)

i hope hes reading this even though i know not many are watching this blog but i hope he sees it...

i hope anyway...

gunna be a short post today i promise not to dissapear for that long again
der marchen der grobbsman