my dakrend sun

my dakrend sun

Saturday, September 3, 2011

why i dont post often

hello its darksun i got a message asking me why i dont really post all that often

well one of the main resons is that im way way way to busy i have many many websites and accounts on them so i am very busy all the time (tough being a proxy yeesh)

so to let you all know  just how busy i am every single damn day ill show you a list of how many accounts and websites i have:

(#) = accounts i have on siad website

youtube (4)
blogger (1)
yahoo (5)
gmail (1)
maboo (1)
facebook (3)
bl0g (1)
chatango (3)
myspace (1)
twitter (1)
deviantart (2)
and all of that including school at 7:00 am sharp and ends at 3:00 pm im HEEELLLLLA busy all the time so thats why i dont blog very much but im getting better