my dakrend sun

my dakrend sun

Sunday, May 22, 2011


This chosen Has been taken.

He will serve,
And we will serve him

You cannot help him now, you're to late

Now let the ark burn
Along with you're pathetic plans,
Yes we know of them.

I will allow you to know that he tried to fight,
But it had to end sometime.
He will learn to come to us alone.

Or else we will take him again


  1. So you've taken him. He's not the first; he won't be the last... but regardless, that doesn't mean he can't free himself as others have before him. You are not all powerful. You are little more than shadows. And the Ark is not something that can be burned. It is not a thing. It is a place. Does your master tell you nothing at all?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
