my dakrend sun

my dakrend sun

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Some say the slender man can time travel
But if a creature of such a bad reputaion could really have the type of power
To have the power to Bend and altur history as he wishes
He could make it so all his enamys never exsited
Change it to make the world a living hell imagine the complete and utter chaos
but we are the example
He has shown on the walls of eygpt
The Nazis lines
And even old photos with him playing with children
So now could it be that a god of such a horrible name
Could willingly choose not to banish all enemies from existence
he could rip the fabric of reality apart and yet he chooses to keep it the way it is
Could we have the wrong idea of the slender man?
Could it be that under his horrifying looks he could have a caring and sweet side?
Who is the real evil in this story
The proxies have chosen to strike fear hunt and stalk the chosen
but many we don't have a clear understanding of the slender man yet


  1. No... Nonono

    Whatever his ultimate goal, it is only self-serving, not matter how it may appear at certain times or in certain lights.

  2. I think he's a sweety. I'd like to have tea with him.

  3. I would like to go with him
    But I am to scared at what I might see
